Sunday, November 25, 2007

7 Deceitful Ways to Lose Weight

Let's talk about the most common ways of panel game and promised us a good shape for it?

Elastic belts and shorts for slimming

One of the most common myths about reduce is the one that with the help of special elastic belts can get rid of the sagging skin and few extra pounds. For this, you will only be wear them or train in them. One company sold 15 million such thick neoprene belts which, as stated in its catalog, "melting unwanted fat." In fact, neoprene that squeeze your body, at best evaporate water from your body which incidentally fill up as soon as you drink water, juice, tea or any other liquid.

Scientific research and treatises

"Scientifically proven"- that the phrase must-read in the following way: "This is so because we say so!". In some cases, the word "Proven" does not mean that anyone really trying to prove anything. To the page with an advertising of one well-known reducing aid- food supplement, providing fantastic results in terms of weight loss and muscle mass, a whole list of footnotes attached to scientific research in this field.

I've not been too lazy and decided to become personally familiar with these treatises, spent three days in search of Internet and did not find any publication which were given links!!! All magazines or books which were given links have no this publications or this books and magazines just did not exist.

"I loss of weight this way by myself"

"I support products that are not worth a rush", frankly admitted in an interview with one world-class athlete. He promoted bicycle shorts of such poor quality that they are barely withstand a few short trips. "I wear them to race once a month, for the training prefer any other clothes." Despite respectable appearance, celebrities involved in advertising sometimes need money too, and therefore allow speculate there name on the packages low-grade ignoble products.

Fat Burning

Meaning of this term filled with all new and new content. Take at least "Complex exercises to burn fat," that sold on VHS and disks. In fact, in this complex deals with the basic exercises of power.

Today "burns fat" not just a set of exercises and training circuit, but all kinds of powders, tablets and other so-called healthy diet.

"Fat burner - revolutionary breakthrough in sports nutrition!", reads the label on a dietary pill bottles. Must Understand this: the more you swallow them, the more slim you become. The same magic action have a grapefruit and red chilli pepper. But help to loss weight they have not yet managed to anyone.

Just 5 minutes a day - and the figure is ready!

When you hear these inspiring words ask yourself two questions: "5 minutes for what?". This slogan advertised a "5-minute spectral body" that guarantees your slender waist. Indeed, with its help you can do the exercises related to abdominal press. But instructions to that device was reported that for effective results it should be used at least 20 minutes a day.

False labels and packaging

New York Magazine not long ago exposed in the conscious underestimation of calorie content producers mortar and other products for person with sweet tooth. Most of the samples tested products contain calories exactly at 25% more than was indicated on their packages. A number of fat and calories of some products exceeded by 4 times. You can be sure that the calories are resorting to underestimate almost all manufacturers.

Sham diet centers consultants

According to a recent worldwide study, 90 percent of people receiving food supplements for slimming reach cherished goal of overthrowing 10-15 kg only by the end of the 3rd year of admission of these drugs. You should refrain from reception of food supplements because such products are typically proliferationes by people that distant from diet or medicine. For example, the same success you could wear a white gown and to invite them to remove appendicitis.

Not worth trusting untested methods and words of random people that they help you lose weight. The only way to lose weight and get rid of cellulite - the one that science tested and the results of this test are recorded in many of available scientific research.

Olga Mergenthaler

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Health Food and Fitness

As a child I had no problems with the odd weight, because all children are childish plump. But in the primary grades, especially when I went to a new school, bearing in mind that at this age children are particularly brutal I have a great set of.

Later, I started rok-n-roll and for a year and a half of reinforced training I not only was able to participate in competitions on the sporting rok-n-roll but lose weight drastically!

Soon, it became apparent that I have a serious problem with the spine because of injury at birth, and doctors have banned me from dancing. I am very experienced because of the "end" plus - muscle ceased to receive daily load.

That was a start! Arrow weights run rapidly upwards. But next summer, I went to study in England, where we all cared less food. General was an education and night leisure.

Then again, I put on weight (all weight variations occur without the participation of diets!), swimming is not helped, and then have to fly back to school in England, but the weight loss has not happened, and I decided to work on returning health.

After treatment I not only straighten my spine, but I've lose weight at 10 kg per month! With growth 5.3 foot I weighed 64 kg, now I am 54 kg.

Here is my diet: healthy food and fitness. Under the concept of eating NOT health food I have are: potatoes, pork, produce, cooked in sunflower oil (olive only); mealy; smoked, etc. It developed by doctor, so do not hesitate in action, all the more so, such a diet prescribed patients in mild gastritis.

Now I fear the so-called period of "stagnation" if the arrow weights stopped, but I hope this is not a long time!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Piercing Harmful to the Teeth

Dentists warn that pierced lips dangerous for the gums and can lead ultimately to the loss of teeth.

American scientists from Ohio State University studied 58 young people, found that the frequency of development atrophic and inflammatory phenomena in the gums twice as high among those who enjoys piercing compared with those who like this is not.

And the longer a person wear metal ring or pivot in the lips the more pronounced changes in the gums occur.

Is Electric Tooth Brushes Riskier Than Traditional?

It is not hold high hopes on the efficiency of electric tooth brushes. Scientists have found that only one of the only variety may claim to be better than traditional tooth brush. Scientists universities of Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester and Sheffield analyzed the results of 29 clinical studies of electric tooth brushes efficiency, in which a total of 2500 people.

All electrical appliances for cleaning teeth specialists divided into five types: ---- brushes, the working part of which was moving from side to side,
- vibrating,
- fluctuating,
- vibrating and fluctuating at the same time,
- as well as brushes, cloth bundles that rotate in different directions.
It turned out that only a fourth type of electric brushes (vibrate and fluctuation) exceeds normal tooth brushes for efficiency. This type eliminates a 7% of dental deposit, and decreases by 17% of gum disease compared with the traditional brush. However, many argue that electric brushes are mass shortcomings.

Statistics show that over the past 15-20 years as this miracle technology gradually has a part of everyday life, around the world has dramatically increased the number gums recession (disease because a gum departs from the neck tooth enamel, open slightly a root), enamel erosion, sphenoid defects (at the neck a deep wedge-tooth gaps). Electric brushes can not only severely injure gums, but incorrect application even shake a teeth. Dentists advised to clean teeth properly, or not committing incremental movements along the edge of proto tooth.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Calming Bath

When you washed up under the shower, give a warm bath water and mix it 2 handful of salt. Immersed in the solution for 15 minutes. Just take it 1 time per week.

Herbal Bath

When skin flaws. Composition: 25 grams of grains juniper, 25 grams of lavender flowers, 50 grams of lime-blossom, 25 grams of Hypericum, 25 g chamomile, 50 grams of thyme, 50 grams of Mint. All folded in the gauze bag, put it into the dishes, fill 2 liter of water and boil. Then leave in a small flames 30 minutes and pour soup in the bathtub. For dry skin, add 100 grams of linen seeds.

Smoothing Skin Bath

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of potato starch or thick broth of oat-flakes and 1 table-spoon of softwood extract. After a bath in the skin moist skin nutrient or cosmetic cream milk.

Reducing Forces Bath

Duration 3 min. The water should be warm, with the addition of 2 Spoon softwood extract. Lying in a tub to make a firm foot massage hair brushed circular movements of the feet above. After stand, massage rest of the body is always in the direction to heart.

Giving Perks Bath

Ingredients: 3 table-spoon of softwood extract and a few drops of eucalyptus oil.

Yoga Will Save You From PMS

Scientists have found evidence that yoga classes can alleviate the suffering of women during the premenstrual syndrome.

This ancient Indian technique as a positive influence on the physical, and the psychological state of women in this period. It turned out that during the yoga classes improved formulation of hormones-antidepressant.

Scientists have conducted the experiment and asked 40 women in the month, 5 times a week to engage yoga. Half of them suffered from depression and PMS physical pains.

At the end of the course yoga-therapy problem PMS has dropped by 64%. The best results have been achieved in women who experienced particularly painful period before the "critical days".

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In Order to Maintain Women's Health


Citrus contribute to incinerate fat in the body. Mix the juice of the four oranges, grapefruit and two lemons with two liters of mineral water. This cocktail drink during the day, and the result will soon be evident.

Artichokes to health

Almost 80% of artichokes is inulin polysaccharides, which breaks easily and recycled in the body. Every human being useful artichokes cooked with the oil and eggs.

Eat up apple daily

According to the French research scientists in apples contain pectin, which are connected with cholesterol in the intestine and remove it from the body. Apple pectin bind harmful products generated by inflammatory processes of digestion and irregularities in the intestine.

Older Ladies for the Health Benefit Black Tea

Australian researchers studied the relationship between consumption of black tea varieties and levels of blood pressure in women older than 70 years. It has been observed that the ladies who had consumed about 500 ml of tea a day, arterial pressure was significantly lower than that of those special, which is not drink this noble drink.

Hypotensive effect of tea linked to the content of poly (4-O-metilgall acid). Polyphenols are antioxidants, have properties to improve the function of endothelium and oestrogen action. Interestingly, the curative properties of tea is not dependent on body mass index, level of physical activity and socioeconomic status.

In addition, recently found that tea has a feature to reduce cholesterol levels in blood serum.

Given the high content of caffeine in tea, its hypotensive effect is least to say the surprising feature.

Sex-diet is the Best Means for Maintaining the Body's Health

Full intimate life can be better diet that you ever tried. The frequent sex not only helps weight, but also prolongs life, improves immunity, saves from depression and strengthens heart. Special slimming system based on the intimate side of life not been developed. But we can say with certainty that any "sex-exercises" will help you keep oneself in excellent form. The main guideline to follow this diet have sex more frequently than the average couple.

It is also desirable to extend the daily "love trainings", as well as their intensity. But if sex becomes a boring, routine exercise, it does not wait for success: the intimate lives need diversity. Some researchers of this topic strongly recommend to include in sex-diet various vegetables and fruits, mostly phallic forms, which are in their view not only the incident but extremely nutritious.

In particular, mention celery, grapes, oranges and bananas. Recent even contain certain components that improve erectile function in men. As for the women, vegetarianism them all the more useful because fruits and vegetables contain a variety of pheromones, causing a pleasant ladies loveable.

Sarvangasana -The Way to Healthy Heart

Try to run round the house around ten times. Loud exhalations and inhalations, lack of oxygen, pulse strikes unthinkable speed, noise in the ring to remind you that even your cardio-respiratory system works, but it's very bad. Candidate Biological Sciences, physiologist, a yoga researcher Rinad Minvaleev recommends every night to do the "posture of the complete body" (sarvangasana) to exercise a heart muscle.

For beneficial effects on the heart needs to be done sarvangasana not 5 seconds, as a school lesson, it needs 2-3 minutes.

This situation increases the blood flow through the body of the vertebral artery in the occipital area, which stimulates the functioning of all the centers digestive regulation of brain stem structures, improving the work of all organs of the body's systems and functional. Hence the name - "posture of the complete body."

This poses an effective prevention of varicose vein problems, is beneficial for violations of brain blood circulation. But above all, sarvangasana improves the performance of the left ventricular heart muscle. Upon conviction Rinad Minvaleev, the asanas effectively replaces aerobic load (running, walking, etc.) and, therefore, strengthens the heart.

This asanas will be will be particularly effective in full Moon and wane - it increased blood to the head. To perform accurate poses, it is appropriate to ask someone to strictly monitor the vertical arrangement of the thoracic spine.

Healthy Lifestyle Reduces the Likelihood of Infarction

Sports and eutrophy reduces the likelihood of infarction among women by 57%. That is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Swedish Karolinska Medical Institute, reported Swedish Radio News Service.

"During 10 years of Swedish doctors were monitoring the health of 25 thousand women. Analysis researchers showed that heart disease and the way of life there is a clear link" the results of the study.

Among the important factors that reduce the risk of a heart attack, scientists known as vegetables, fish, beans. Therefore, a day to the usual dishes Swedish doctors recommend adding two fruit and four portions of vegetables. A portion there are, for example, 100 grams of green peas. This daily diet can add half wineglass of wine.

Proper nutrition should be combined with moving and active lifestyle. Recommended daily walks of 45 minutes. Once a week, scientists believe, at least an hour can be given sports. And, of course, no smoking.

"The study shows that much depends on our own desire to avoid cardiovascular disease. Therefore, I think that know about it, it is useful to all of us," commented study Agneta Okesson of Karolinska Medical Institute.

Fish is an Important Product for a Healthy Heart

Currently, diet heart health holds firmly associated with the consumption of large quantities of fruit and vegetables. But many adherents of a healthy lifestyle forgotten fish-important source of fatty acid omega 3. This substance is not only reduces the risks of heart problems, but also helps reduce triglycerides, thus lowering blood pressure and reduce the process of phasing out blood.

Mayo Clinic specialists (USA) said that two types of omega 3 - acid DHA and acid EPA - have a special anti-encouraging effect on people with rheumatic arthritis. In addition, DHA at the moment is considered by scientists as a component slows progression of Alzheimer disease.

To prevent heart disease, the maximum preventive benefit will be achieved when used twice a week for 85 grams of fish, say doctors. The best source of omega 3 - herring, mackerel, salmon and tuna. Those who do not eat fish, can serve as a substitute seaweed.