Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sarvangasana -The Way to Healthy Heart

Try to run round the house around ten times. Loud exhalations and inhalations, lack of oxygen, pulse strikes unthinkable speed, noise in the ring to remind you that even your cardio-respiratory system works, but it's very bad. Candidate Biological Sciences, physiologist, a yoga researcher Rinad Minvaleev recommends every night to do the "posture of the complete body" (sarvangasana) to exercise a heart muscle.

For beneficial effects on the heart needs to be done sarvangasana not 5 seconds, as a school lesson, it needs 2-3 minutes.

This situation increases the blood flow through the body of the vertebral artery in the occipital area, which stimulates the functioning of all the centers digestive regulation of brain stem structures, improving the work of all organs of the body's systems and functional. Hence the name - "posture of the complete body."

This poses an effective prevention of varicose vein problems, is beneficial for violations of brain blood circulation. But above all, sarvangasana improves the performance of the left ventricular heart muscle. Upon conviction Rinad Minvaleev, the asanas effectively replaces aerobic load (running, walking, etc.) and, therefore, strengthens the heart.

This asanas will be will be particularly effective in full Moon and wane - it increased blood to the head. To perform accurate poses, it is appropriate to ask someone to strictly monitor the vertical arrangement of the thoracic spine.

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