Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sex-diet is the Best Means for Maintaining the Body's Health

Full intimate life can be better diet that you ever tried. The frequent sex not only helps weight, but also prolongs life, improves immunity, saves from depression and strengthens heart. Special slimming system based on the intimate side of life not been developed. But we can say with certainty that any "sex-exercises" will help you keep oneself in excellent form. The main guideline to follow this diet have sex more frequently than the average couple.

It is also desirable to extend the daily "love trainings", as well as their intensity. But if sex becomes a boring, routine exercise, it does not wait for success: the intimate lives need diversity. Some researchers of this topic strongly recommend to include in sex-diet various vegetables and fruits, mostly phallic forms, which are in their view not only the incident but extremely nutritious.

In particular, mention celery, grapes, oranges and bananas. Recent even contain certain components that improve erectile function in men. As for the women, vegetarianism them all the more useful because fruits and vegetables contain a variety of pheromones, causing a pleasant ladies loveable.

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