Monday, February 4, 2008

15 Recipes of Beauty. To Lose Weight, Forget About The Diets!

To lose weight, forget about the diets! It is a dream of any woman! We offer simple ways for its implementation.

1. Curb appetite. If you want anything chew not deny yourself, but instead of buns and chocolates get celery. It is rich in carbohydrates, and your stomach will take time for its digestion.

2. Direction elixir. Drink glass of water 10 minutes before eating. This improves digestion and weakens the sense of hunger. It is better to drink mineral water without gas or dairy whey (it cleans the bowel).

3. Separately. Natural combination of proteins, fats and starches digest easily, in contrast to the casual, such bread-meat. Try to avoid combination of proteins and starches in a way of food.

4. Exercise. Individuals contribute to incinerate fat load. But their duration is very important, because the active burning fat starts 20 minutes after the start of training. Especially good running, swimming and aerobics.

5. Small portions. If 5 times a day eat smaller portions of food, the calories burned evenly and the feeling of hunger does not arise. But just no sweets and more fruits and vegetables.

6. For sweet tooths. Artichokes suppress passion for the sweet. There are many carbohydrates inulin, which is not strained digested pancreatic function. Artichokes are recommended, even with diabetes.

7. Miracles not happen. Who rapidly lose, the less rapidly gaining weight. Therefore, forget about superdiets and more carefully think over your diet.

8. Seasonings. Chile, the red pepper and ginger accelerate decomposition of fats, and salt retains water in the body.

9. Compresses. Dip a plastic foil in the water and wrap tightly around her hips and buttocks. Wrap oneself up warm blanket, putting radiator under ше. You propoteete well, and zhirok pohudeet slightly on the body.

10. Loosen appetite. Chew twigs parsley, and the bitter taste will weaken the appetite.

11. Less fat. Products for better heat pans with a special coating or baked in foil. Choose Lenten fish, poultry sausage or cooked ham.

12. Play it safe. No pills for weight loss, and trying to lose weight using laxative or mochegonnyh funds could cause a serious injury.

13. Miracle pineapple. A piece of pineapple operates magical: contained therein enzyme bromelin burning activates protein.

14. Time... time... Only 20 minutes after the start eating the brain receives a signal: "I am fed." Do not hurry, and you be sated small portion.

15. Joy of life. Mental rest is very important for weight loss. Often Remember that food - is not the only source of joy and comfort.

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